Pinterest Party!!

So most of you out there are aware of the latest trend online… PINTEREST. And I’m sure, like me, it’s become an obsession for some of you. I am one of you out there who think that this is the most genius idea… especially for those of us who have thousands of bookmarked web sites for a photo that we probably will never look at again because it’s lost in our mess of URLs. Until now!

I’ve had Pinterest for a few months now and I have 18 pinboards organizing everything from Home Decor, Hair Styles, my favorite art pieces, to holiday decorations, party planning, and even my favorite sayings. This program has organized all of my favorites onto virtual pinboards that I can actually see!! (Which is extra helpful when you’re a visual person.)

I’ve seen a lot of wedding planning on Pinterest (it’s got to be AMAZING for that…), as well as print design favorites, fonts, photography, and many, many more. So I ask you… what do you put on Pinterest? What are your favorite things to pin? What are the names of your pinboards?

I’m in love with this system and I hope it keeps getting better! And if you haven’t yet joined the Pinterest Party… ask me for an invite! Everyone should be in on this fun! 🙂